Can Dogs Have Strawberries?

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Can Dogs Have Strawberries?

As you snack on juicy red strawberries, your dog stares longingly, hoping for a tasty treat. But can our four-legged friends safely enjoy these sweet berries? Before you share the bounty, you likely wonder, can dogs have strawberries? 

Certainly, dogs can consume a small quantity of fresh strawberries without any issue. You should, however, take certain considerations into account before giving your dog strawberries. Feeding them too many strawberries in one go may result in digestive upset. And certain dogs may be allergic or sensitive to the fruit.

In this article, we will look into the potential advantages and drawbacks of including strawberries in your dog’s diet. You will learn the proper way to serve this fruit safely, from washing and slicing to ideal portion sizes based on your dog’s weight. We will also cover signs of strawberry allergies and tips to avoid excess sugar. 

Can Dogs Have Strawberries?

Can Dogs Have Strawberries

As previously mentioned, it’s perfectly safe for dogs to enjoy small portions of strawberries as an infrequent treat.

When fed in moderation, strawberries provide vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients dogs need. Adding strawberries to your dog’s diet can serve as a flavorful and nutritious complement.

In addition, strawberries contain an enzyme that whitens teeth. As your dog chews the berries, the enzyme works to scrub away plaque and tartar buildup. 

Plus, the high water content of strawberries helps clean the mouth. These oral health benefits make strawberries a sweet treat with a purpose.

Benefits of Strawberries for Dogs

Strawberries offer vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants dogs need for good health. Below are some of the key nutrients and advantages that strawberries offer:

Vitamin C

One serving of strawberries contains over 100% of a dog’s daily vitamin C requirement. Vitamin C is a valuable supporter of immune health and aids in the absorption of iron within the body.

A diet abundant in vitamin C can be instrumental in warding off infections and reducing the likelihood of catching colds.


With around 3 grams of fiber per cup, strawberries can aid digestion and regularity. The fiber and water in the berries add bulk to the stool and may help relieve constipation.


The anthocyanins responsible for the vibrant red hue of strawberries are potent antioxidants. These substances play a crucial role in safeguarding cells against harm and reducing inflammation. Antioxidant-rich foods may prevent diseases.


Strawberries contain potassium, an important electrolyte for nerve signaling, muscle contractions, and more. The right balance of potassium is essential for a healthy heart.

Tartar Control

The malic acid naturally found in strawberries helps remove plaque that causes tartar buildup on teeth. Chewing strawberries can naturally whiten teeth over time.

In addition to the specific benefits above, strawberries are:

  • Low calorie – Fewer than 50 calories per cup!
  • Low sugar – Less sugar compared to other fruits.
  • High in water – Over 90% water content. Helps with hydration.
  • Allergen-free – Strawberries are non-allergenic for most dogs.

Now that we know the many health perks strawberries offer dogs let’s go over some precautions to keep in mind.

Potential Risks and Precautions

While strawberries are perfectly safe for most dogs, there are some important factors to consider:


Some dogs may be allergic or sensitive to strawberries. Reactions are uncommon but possible. Signs of an allergy include itching, hives, swelling, vomiting, and diarrhea. Stop feeding strawberries if these symptoms develop.

Sugar Content

Although lower in sugar than many fruits, strawberries do contain natural sugars. Eating too many at once can spike blood sugar. Overindulging in sugary treats also leads to obesity, diabetes, and other problems.

Seeds And Stems

The seeds and fibrous caps can potentially cause an intestinal blockage or upset stomach if excessively consumed. Remove stems and hulls, and slice strawberries to reduce this risk.


Unwashed, non-organic strawberries may contain pesticide residues. These chemicals can be toxic to dogs. Always wash strawberries thoroughly before feeding, and buy organic when possible.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Tops, Leaves, and Stems?

It’s safest to remove and discard the green leaves, hull and stems from strawberries before feeding them to dogs. In leaf and stem parts, small amounts of cyanide are present. While a few leaves likely won’t harm your dog, it’s better to be safe. 

Chop off and discard these parts and feed only the red berry flesh. The hull (white part around the berry) may also cause choking.

So, for optimal safety and digestibility, cut off the green parts and peel away the hull before giving strawberries to your dog. The red fleshy berry contains all the healthy vitamins and minerals anyway!

Serving Strawberries to Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries

Follow these steps for safe ways to add strawberries to your dog’s diet:

Wash Thoroughly

Inspect strawberries and rinse well under cool running water before serving. This removes dirt, chemicals, and mold that could make your dog sick.

Remove Stems And Seeds

Cut off the leafy green tops and trim away any white hull or seeds that adhere to the flesh. These plant parts can be choking hazards or cause GI irritation.

Slice Or Dice

Cut strawberries into bite-sized pieces for easier chewing and digestion. Slicing also lowers the risk of choking. Quarter or halve berries for small dogs.

Mash Or Puree

For young puppies or dogs with dental issues, mash the berries or puree them. Mixing it with yogurt or food makes a tasty smoothie treat.

Use Moderate Portions

Too much of any treat can lead to stomach upset. See the next section for recommended serving sizes based on your dog’s weight.

Avoid Sugary Toppings

Never add sugar, syrup, or whipped cream to strawberries for dogs. The added sugar spikes blood glucose and provides empty calories.

Signs of Strawberry Allergy in Dogs

Most dogs can enjoy an occasional strawberry treat. However, like humans, some dogs may be allergic. Strawberry allergy symptoms in dogs can include:

  • Itchy skin, rashes, hives
  • Swelling of the lips, eyes, face, or throat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Sneezing, coughing, watery eyes
  • Scratching, biting, or licking paws/skin
  • Red, scaly skin

If you notice any reaction after feeding strawberries, stop giving them to your dog. Severe symptoms like vomiting, swelling, or difficulty breathing warrant an immediate trip to the vet. Milder symptoms can be monitored at home, but call your vet if they persist more than 24 hours after removing strawberries from the diet.


Dogs can indeed enjoy strawberries in moderation, reaping numerous health benefits from this tasty treat. Strawberries offer a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and essential minerals. They can aid in immune support, dental hygiene, and overall well-being.

However, it’s crucial to exercise caution, as some dogs may have allergies or adverse reactions to strawberries. Additionally, proper preparation and portion control are key to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of strawberries for your furry companion.

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